Atena and The Real Book + Live Readings!

Seriously, y’all. Every time this book is pushed further into the world, and deepens its roots of existence, I look over my shoulder at the line of wounded Atenas who never thought they’d ever finish anything, and I just have to marvel. This is so great!

My book has just been printed and is now ‘in-stock’ on my publisher’s website. I am so happy and excited. If you came here looking for someone playing it cool and being blasé about publishing a slim lil’ volume of poems, well you can just turn right around, cz I am NOT the one! Are you kidding?! My first solo book published by a press? I am over the freakin moon! I am posting pictures on all my socials and texting friends updates and loving every minute! My book release is one of the best birthday presents ever, and I gave it to myself!

I have 2 readings coming up in June and July. Come see me at the P.O. Box Collective Poetry Reading Series on Wednesday, June 22 from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. This reading will feature myself, Stefania Gomez, and Isaac Ginsberg Miller. Free and Open to the Public; 6900 N. Glenwood Ave, Chicago 60626. More on the July engagement to come…

Take care, everyone!



Atena Interviewed on ‘Pip Talk’ Podcast


Instagram Feed: Poems, etc…