Reading and writing are ways of talking and listening.

I listen for ways to say what needs to be said and I play with ideas: this is how I write poems and imagine futures.

I also publish articles, meditations, and occasionally prepare sermons on a variety of creative, intellectual, and spiritual reflections. As an experienced facilitator, I can also support you and your team through a poetry-based learning experience.

If you’d like to talk about a writing opportunity, speaking engagement, or other interactive experience, please review the access notes below, then use the ‘Client Interest Form’ button below to get in touch.

Photo credit (and earring design!): Sangi Ravichandran

T-Shirt credit:


I am a writer, speaker and educator.

Let’s create access…

Please read this before filling out the interest form.

It’s up to all of us to cultivate creative spaces that include every kind of brilliance, including the presence of disabled creatives, patrons, and audiences. Everyone misses out if our disabled and neurodivergent siblings are excluded, and we all have a role in making full participation available. If you want to book me to perform my work, deliver a talk, or speak on a panel, I request that you make at least 3 access options available to expand participation to as many people as possible. Let’s move together in solidarity. Access options may include (though are not limited to):

  • Captioning of speech/narration

  • Image descriptions for marketing materials

  • Sign language interpretation appropriate to content

  • Translation into other spoken languages (as relevant to the audience and setting - Spanish is standard in the Chicago area)

  • Consistent use of microphones and amplification for folks who are hard of hearing or have auditory processing issues.

  • Printed access documents

  • Spatial access for people with mobility aids (un-obstructed - meaning no one has to ask permission to come or go- pathways to and from seating and facilities, doorframes at LEAST 32 inches wide, ramps and/or lifts to all shared spaces INCLUDING bathrooms AND bathroom stalls, etc…).

  • Livestreaming and/or recording options

  • Available quiet/low-stimulation space



Work that I've done... (Books... Publications... Recordings...)